Case Western Reserve University – CTSC Accepting Nominations for the Advanced Translational Leadership in Academic Science (ATLAS) Program .

Advanced Translational Leadership in Academic Science (ATLAS) Program. ATLAS is a leadership in team science program intended for mid-career and senior level investigators in clinical and translational research. The goal is that investigators will be equipped with skills to become leaders in team science, and also form new collaborations across the partnering institutions. ATLAS will start in March of 2024 and will consist of four 2-day sessions (March, May, July, September). The focus of the sessions will incorporate a group project, assessments, leadership skills and various team workshops.

Investigators will be nominated by their CTSC institutional research lead. We ask that research leads email with the names and emails of their nominations by December 8, 2023. Individuals chosen for the program will then receive an email with a REDCap application. We will also allow self nominations. To do so, please contact the ATLAS Program:

Participating institutions include Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Clinic, Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, MetroHealth, Northeast Ohio Medical University, University Hospitals, and University of Toledo.

For additional information, please visit: If you have questions, please email the ATLAS Director, McKenzie Ritter at