Community Based Research Network Meetings

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Community Based Research Network (CBRN) was born out of the idea that academic researchers and community organizations interested in research could learn a lot from each other if given the opportunity to network and communicate.  So, the Center for Health Equity Engagement Education and Research created the CBRN forum to bridge the gap between the two groups.

The Community Based Research Network comes together the second Thursday of every month to hear and discuss issues related to community-based participatory research.  The group is primarily made up of our new investigator development award grantees (CHEEER Pilot Awards) and their community partners, CRSI scholar alumni, other applicants for the Pilot Awards, and community members involved in other CHEEER research projects.

The meetings are open to anyone interested in community-based participatory research and we encourage any organizations to host the meetings in their space if they’d like.

If you’d like to attend, or get more information, please send a note indicating you’d like to get on the CBRN email list to

CBRN Partners List 2022

Upcoming CBRN Meetings:

 Thursday, January 12th, 2023@ 9 am – 10:30 am via Zoom

 CBRN Past Meeting Materials


January 2023


July 2022

Learn more about our Pilot Awardees


April 2022



Meeting Materials (Year) | 2021 | 2019-2020
