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Dissemination Resource Guide

Health Value Dashboard 2023

The Greater Cleveland LGBTQ+ | Community Needs Assessment Results


The Greater Cleveland LGBTQ+ Community Needs Assessment is an exercise in community solidarity, understanding, and visioning for the future. As individuals and a community, we have an abundance of strength, resilience, and resourcefulness. At the same time, our community continues to be disproportionately affected by a range of physical, mental, and behavioral health, economic, social, legal, and political issues.

Many organizations may overlook our needs because they don’t understand what our needs are. This project represents a collaborative effort that is unparalleled in its scope and depth, to capture the unmet needs, aspiration, and challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community in Greater Cleveland area.

From the beginning, this project was guided by the premise that data holds the key to unlocking meaningful change. The true essence, however, of this project extends far beyond mere data collection. Our findings are not only statistics in a data set; they represent lived experiences fueling a clear call to action.

To each and every person who has walked with us in trust and openly shared some of the most difficult experiences associated with your LGBTQ+ identity – we extend our deepest gratitude.

This was perhaps the most rewarding experience for our team. Your deidentified voices, stories, and perspectives have been instrumental in shaping a more nuanced understanding of our community’s needs.

Please visit to gain access to the following four key deliverables of this work:

  • Full Community Report and Recommendations
  • 2SLGBTQIA+ Racial Equity Report – Available Early November
  • Interactive Self-reported Health and Socio-demographic Dashboard
  • Community Resource Linktree

We sincerely hope that everyone involved in this effort takes these findings back to your organizations, coalitions, communities and third spaces, transforming them into concrete actions for the LGBTQ+ community. Together, we’ve laid a foundation for a more inclusive, brighter future for all LGBTQ+ individuals in Greater Cleveland. Let’s use this momentum to drive meaningful change.

As we make available this important information to the public, we would once again like to thank our generous funders for their support, enthusiasm, and engagement over the past two years.

Zotero Workshop

Strategies to Advance Health Disparities Science