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Complete Research Partnership Form
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Research Partnership Form
Project Title
Principal Investigator (Academic Partner) and University Affiliation
Principal Organization Liaison (Community Partner) and Agency or Organization name
Funding Source(s)
Timeline of Project
Attach (as relevant): Abstract, protocol, questionnaires or other research material if any have been developed
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Academic and community partners should review and discuss the questions that follow. We recommend that you set aside 60-90 minutes for a comprehensive conversation. An MOU can be developed that articulates the discussion.
Overall Questions
Why do you want to partner with each other?
What strengths and deficits does each partner bring to the table?
What concerns or reservations do you have?
What goals do each of you have for the partnership?
How will you know if the partnership has succeeded, or not?
Partnership Structure Questions
Was the community partner involved in research design before funding was secured? Why or why not?
Is there a mutual understanding of how the research is expected to affect/benefit participants, or the community to which the participants belong?
Does each partner understand their responsibilities, rights and expectations?
Are their specific expectations of community organization staff time and involvement?
Is there a data-sharing agreement between partners, addressing findings, grand administration and budget?
Is there a reasonable allocation of the costs and revenues in each research budget? Are all parties fairly compensated for their expertise?
Are research participants compensated or provided incentives? If not, is there a valid ethical or research reason for that decision?
Have potential barriers to participant involvement (transportation, childcare, etc.) been identified and addressed in the research plan?
What about IRB approval of the research?
Is there a dissemination plan in place that includes the community agency, research participants and the community?
How will authorship be handled in peer-reviewed publications or other public dissemination venues (posters, presentations, etc.)?
How will communication be maintained throughout the partnership?
Is there a contingency plan for the community or participants in the event of negative outcomes or events?
Do both the community organization and the academic partner have the commitment and capacity to enter into this partnership?
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