Actively Recruiting Studies

Below are studies that are either being conducted by the Center for Health Equity Engagement Education and Research or by an affiliate and are actively recruiting participants. Click on a flyer to learn more as well as any supporting links and downloads.

COVID Research Study

Are you or someone you know aged 18 or older and recently tested positive for COVID-19? The Clinical Research Center at University Hospitals is seeking volunteers to participate in an important study aimed at evaluating a new study drug. The goal is to determine if early treatment can potentially shorten symptom duration and reduce severity for individuals with COVID-19, or if a new study drug can improve health outcomes for those who have been in contact with someone infected.

By participating, you will contribute to advancing our understanding of COVID-19 and help develop better care and treatment strategies for affected individuals. 

  • Study Duration: 12 weeks
  • Study Involvement: Regular visits involving blood and specimen collection, daily completion of study questionnaires, and daily intake of study medication over 14 days.
  • Compensation: Provided, along with a food voucher and parking validation.
  • Contact Information: For more information or to enroll, please call 216-844-2739 or email

Thank you for considering this opportunity to contribute to medical research.

Please consider sharing with colleagues and others who have recently tested positive for COVID-19.

Patient Advocate

Self-Management and Resilience Trajectories in African American Adults with Hypertension

Social Determinants of Sleep Health and Cardiovascular Risk Among African American Family Caregivers

Youth Lens: Conceptualizations of the Neighborhood Environment & its impact on Health & Wellbeing

For more information visit:

CBRN Presentation

Cleveland Youth for Youth Participatory Action Research Project

Using mHealth to Improve Adherence and Reduce Blood Pressure in Individuals With Hypertension and Bipolar Disorder (iTAB-CV RCT)

For more information visit:

TEAM 2 (TargetEd MAnageMent Intervention) Reducing stroke risk in African-American Men

Background Information File
Peer Educator Information and Referral Instructions

Illness Severity and Treatment Effects on qEEG In Adolescent Depression (ENGINE)

For more information visit:

(Download PDF Flyer)